Bringing back the name (sort of) won’t bring back the Klondike Days feel.

So, K-Days is back!  That should settle all the problems that have beset the ex-Capital Ex. Well, not quite. The public has spoken, and K-Days is back as the name for the Edmonton exhibition. Personally, I think it is one of the least inspired name changes ever, since the K doesn’t represent anything in particular.… Continue reading Bringing back the name (sort of) won’t bring back the Klondike Days feel.

Letter to America: You’re making it too easy.

Dear America: The events in the Aurora movie theatre are heartbreaking and shocking, and our hearts go our to the families of the victims, and the extended family that is the United States. Everyone in Canada is just sick about this. Just like you, we realize that there is little protection against a deranged person… Continue reading Letter to America: You’re making it too easy.

Parks and Rec gets screwed … again.

I don’t normally become particularly excised over entertainment industry awards. They are what they are, with politics playing as much a role as performance.  But something has to be said about the utterly baffling snub the TV academy has delivered to Parks and Recreation.  The Emmy voters have seen fit to again shaft Parks and… Continue reading Parks and Rec gets screwed … again.

Names for ex-Capital Ex fail to inspire, but still ….

Northlands is trying to get the public engaged in renaming its annual summer fair by holding a naming contest to replace the unloved title Capital Ex, which itself replaced the loved-only-by-old-people Klondike Days. The names that Northlands has offered up are a fairly uninspired lot, which is perfect considering that the ex-Capital Ex is a… Continue reading Names for ex-Capital Ex fail to inspire, but still ….

Arena over budget. And winter is cold.

The Edmonton arena project is having a hard time reaching its guaranteed cost of $450 million. Those of you who are surprised by this news, please raise your hand. OK, you, you, and you … I have a Nigerian prince who wants to speak to you. Something about an inheritance. Yesterday’s news that the arena… Continue reading Arena over budget. And winter is cold.