Us versus U.S. We’re not the same, kids

A lot of Canadians – particularly young, American-media obsessed Canadians who have never been taught enough about their own country – seem to believe that Canada and the United States are basically the same country. The best example of this is the phoney controversy over the name of the Edmonton Eskimos, which resulted in the… Continue reading Us versus U.S. We’re not the same, kids

Is this the end of ‘the E word’?

As you may know, there is a controversy over the name of the Edmonton Canadian Football League franchise. Various Edmonton teams have been known as the Eskimos since 1903, and the current organization has been Eskimos since its founding in 1949. But recently, some (but certainly not all) members of the Inuit community have deemed… Continue reading Is this the end of ‘the E word’?

Gun crazy

As a Father’s Day gift, my youngest son Blake took me to the Wild West Shooting Centre at West Edmonton Mall so we could share some father-son blasting time. During our day out, I discovered something amazing – Blake is 29 years old! Who knew? Oh, and I also discovered that shooting guns is actually… Continue reading Gun crazy